Wednesday 2 October 2013

Rockstar's servers put to the test.

What is up people ?

Yesterday Rockstar released its online feature for GTA V, but things didn't go as planned. Many people were majorly disappointed that they weren't one of the lucky few who got to experience those new online features, unfortunately I was not one of them. When I first booted up my game I had an option to go into the story mode or online by simply pressing A and that is where my journey was brought to an end. I simply got a message saying that the server was unable to connect and I should check my internet or something like that. I sort of expected that but I didn't want to believe it. I tried again today and I made some progress, I got as far as the character creation screen, so I'm going to take you through that right about now.

Once the game loads after a million tries, you get to a pretty cool character creation screen. Rockstar used a unique feature which doesn't allow you to create your own face to perfection but generates your character based on the grandparents and parents you decided to choose. Which I thought was sort of cool. After my character looked half decent I decided to set him free in the city of Los Santos. 

After you confirm your character you will be shown a pretty nice intro that introduces you to the various elements of the online world. You will then see the character that you have chosen sitting on a plane on the way to Los Santos and don't worry you're not alone you will see a friendly face waiting to collect you. So there you have it people a very short but detailed account of what you will experience in the first 3 minutes of GTA online. (Very exciting stuff huh ?)

Hopefully the servers will be better by the weekend and we will be able to enjoy a bit of GTA online. I will be setting up a crew online for GTA V so we can show the world who is in charge. I will let you know in a couple of days, so if you want to join just send me a request and "WE WILL BE UNSTOPPABLE".

Thanks for checking this out and follow me on twitter @Jacob0527 for regular updates and news about the site.

See you all soon !!!

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