Saturday 20 July 2013

"The Last Of Us" Multiplayer

What is up people ?

If you read my last post well then you probably saw me mention that "The Last Of Us" multiplayer is one of the game's features that should not be overlooked. Well I am definitely sticking to that statement and today I am going to talk about the two modes in multiplayer. Survivors and Supply Raid.


Survivors is a pretty cool game mode and I am only 15 hours in and I can tell all of you people its one of the best multiplayer games that I've played in a while. Both game modes only accommodate 8 players but trust me 8 is all you need. You see, this isn't your everyday online shooter. With this one you have to be smart, you have to approach every corner with caution because just when you think you've sneaked passed the enemy you're suddenly being thrown down to the floor with a gun facing you and bang you're gone. You might think that after this happening to me like 50 times I would get bored. But no. You can feel the tension building up when its just you and your enemy down an empty school corridor, with only 3-4 bullets in your revolver, knowing its either you or him.(That feeling never gets old). With survivors you have to be very careful. Its not like call of duty when you can respawn 5 seconds later. In order for your team to be successful you have to take down your enemy's entire team before you can take the win for that current round. Its not for everybody so that's where supply raid comes in.

Supply Raid:

Supply Raid is a more traditional type of multiplayer mode. Its basically a team deathmatch but its harder to kill people than your everyday COD and Battlefield 3. Both teams battle it out, but from my experience people don't jump in like a bunch of idiots shooting everything in sight. Everyone is extremely aware of everything that's going on and that is what will definitely add to your enjoyment of the game. When the match comes to an end then you can hang out in the menu and create custom loadouts customise your character's clothing and appearance.

 To finish off let me discuss how you are rewarded at the end of each match. You have your own clan and each match that is a success or not, you gain supplies for the members in your clan. If your match goes better than always well then you gain new members which expand your clan. The bigger your clan is the more people you have to feed right, so that means you will be challenged each time you begin a new match. I hope all of you enjoy the game as much as I do.

Follow me on twitter @Jacob0527 for regular updates and thanks for checking this out.

See you all soon !!!

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