Sunday 15 September 2013

How to prepare for a GTA V midnight release ?

What is up people ?

We are one day away from the one and only GTA V. Now I have been to a couple midnight releases in my lifetime and most of them were good except that one time(There was a midnight release in my local video game store and only five people showed up. I know it sucked it was for Medal of Honor: Warfighter. The game stunk and I had nothing to do at the time.)

But I don't think that something like that will ever happen to GTA V. I'm guessing that all of you people have been to a midnight release once in your life but if not I'm going to prepare you for those harsh conditions that the video game store has to offer. You will have to survive lines of obnoxious people, overcome your fear of claustrophobia and stand tall when it comes to collect your prize.

Rule number one get there early. I know its a midnight release and most of you are saying why leave early if most of the  people will only get the game tomorrow ? Trust me I was once a rookie like some of you and showing fifteen minutes before midnight is a major mistake. Everyone usually shows up and hour before the store opens and small lines and groups of hungry savages begin to form outside the store. So its super important to plan your departure.

Rule number two bring a friend. Its super boring when you get to a midnight release two hours before the event and you have no one to talk to. I know you're still going to be super hyped by all that's going on and the adrenaline will instantly rush to your brain if you even hear the word GTA but its fun to tag someone else along and time will go by way faster if you have someone there with you. This is a message for the younger audience. The game is eighteens and you should have a brother, sister or one of your parents when you're picking up the game because there may be a problem if you land on some crappy salesman who has a bad day and decides to stamp on your dreams of open world madness.

Rule number three bring electronic devices. If you're going to show up two hours before the release like me well you're probably going to want to keep yourself occupied. Bring your phones, iphones, tablets and laptops whatever you need to allow time fly. Also I think its quite fun to tweet while you're at the release its something fun and its cool to see your followers doing the same thing its awesome to know that you could be on the other side of the word and all of us are having the same awesome experience. 

Rule number four bring snack and drinks. Lets not forget its a two hour wait so you're going to get thirsty and definitely hungry and the last thing you need is to leave the line, run around looking for convenience stores cause you're dying from thirst. So be smart prepare and if you're lucky the store may be handing out free drinks but I doubt that's going to happen. 

Rule number five have the right amount of change. You don't want to run up to the register with a bunch of cents blocking other people behind you that have the right amount of money with them and I'm sure after all of that waiting you don't want to stay another second in that store, but to go home and play that unbelievable game. Drive safely !!!

I'm sure if you follow these tips you will turn from a rookie to a veteran when it comes to midnight releases. Have fun and I will be tweeting live tomorrow @Jacob0527 so stay tuned and enjoy GTA V !!!

See you all soon !!!

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