Saturday 9 November 2013

GTA V stimulus package released. How to spend your money ?

What is up people ?

A few days ago the GTA V stimulus package was released and probably many of you already have your minds set on what you are going to purchase. But for those of you who don't know where to start, I'm going to give you some tips on how to spend your money reasonably in order to get ahead of the competition.

The first one being purchase a house with a ten car garage. You might be thinking to yourself a ten car garage but why ? The reason is as your online career progresses you will be able to treat yourself every now and again and that's probably going to be a brand new Albany Cavalcade with chrome spinners. After awhile you will notice all of your cars piling on top of one another and I'm guessing that most of you are opposed towards the idea of selling your beauties. 

The second tip is dedicate all your love towards one car. If you want to catch the enemy that's cruising around in a brand new Cheetah you will have to invest in some new modifications and they don't come cheap. I am currently working on the sabre gt and its shaping up quite nicely.

The third tip is invest in the stock market. If you know your way around, invest your money whenever the opportunity presents itself and watch the numbers roll, but be careful the stock market can be a cruel mistress. I hope that this helped you in some way and KEEP ON GAMING !!!

Thanks for checking this out people and follow me on twitter @Jacob0527 for regular updates and news about the site and contact me personally at 

Let me know what you guys decided to do with the 500k and if you're interested in joining my crew its called EasyWriters on Rockstar social.

See you all soon !!!

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