Saturday 14 December 2013

Do what YOU love.

 What is up people ?

Today I want to talk about something a little bit different than games. I want to tell you people about the way that I live my life. Ever since I was born I was one of those people who had aspirations and ambitions. At the time I didn't know what I wanted to do but I promised myself at the age of five or six that I was not going to settle for the average nine to five job.

I was one of the creative ones, the one that would talk for hours even though no one was there to listen. I commented on everything that was happening around Me, some said that it was strange but that was just Me. I played instruments I even took up skate boarding for a while (Yep that went well) and a lot of other crazy and fun activities to keep my creativity going. But at the end of every one of those activities I came to the same conclusion. It's not what I was looking for.

My Mom was actually the first one to realise that while I was playing games I wasn't just enjoying them but I was actually analysing them. Commentating on every little aspect and comparing them to previous titles. She was the one who got the wheels turning to where I am today. A few years later I had realised that I was destined to definitely work in the game industry, so I decided to take up computer programming.

Now. Computer programming was a big part of my life at the time. I looked up YouTube videos to learn c++ and oddly enough I wasn't the worst at the language but in order to do computer programming your maths level has to be kind of good. My Maths sucked at the time.(I improved since then). After encountering many problems while programming I realised that I'm still going in the wrong direction.  At the time I felt like I ran out of options but luckily enough I had my helpful Dad who finally made me realise what I was destined to be. A writer. 

I wouldn't be where I am today without My Dad. He always supported Me in everything that I have done and still continues to support Me in what I do today. Life throws a lot of s**t at you, but are you going to be the person who gives up after that first hit or are you going to get back up and try again ?

Being surrounded by a large group of people who have no ambitions or no dreams simply destroys Me. Nearly ninety five percent of my family don't understand what I'm doing with my life. But doing what I love is the greatest feeling in the World and with the support of parents and followers I know that I will be the happiest Man alive. I was born to entertain and have a good time while doing it.

Make your dreams come true people and don't settle for an average life because you only live once, but if you do it right once is enough. You're in control of your life and no one else, remember that.

A great Man once said "The World is only open for people with open minds"-A.Rozanski.

Thanks for checking this out people and follow me on twitter @WordLoops for regular updates and news about the site. For business purposes contact me on I will be back and writing about games tomorrow. It's never to late to change your life. So don't wait. Start today. 

See you all soon !!!

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